Monday, November 12, 2012

Two Times the Fun!

So.  This guy.

This guy is two.  He is a toddler of the not-so-terrible sort.  He is funny, loving, and a mama's boy.  He is voraciously verbal and talk talk talk talks all day long.  He loves milk sippies, "Peppa Pig", rain boots, books under blankets, Knuffle Bunny, jumping on the bed, choo choo trains, forts, pizza, Curious George, and singing "Bushel and a Peck" before bedtime.  Bubble baths wouldn't be the same without "swimming" and blowing bubbles with Kate.  He loves to "go go go" which basically means "take me somewhere so that I can flirt with everyone". 

Bunny Bunny, his ragged blue lovey, is a fixture that he will probably be taking to college in tatters.

Connor is a modern man; as rough and tumble as he is, you will often find him pushing a pink stroller with strands of purple pearls around his neck.  Kate's dolls and Connor's trucks coexist in a harmony that makes my heart happy.  He is such a great kid.

Connor at 1 week, 1 year, and 2 years
Time may change me but I can't change time.  Oh, the parenting dichotomy that we all face - the desire for our kids to grow up yet stay precious and innocent and small at the same time.  I look at the difference a year has made and cannot believe what 365 days can do to a little person.  I am so proud of him and happy he is growing up but when he sits on my lap at night and nuzzles into my neck I can't believe he isn't a baby anymore. 
Oh, who am I kidding?  He will always be my baby.


Hi, I'm Jill!

Hi, I'm Jill!
Extrovert. Mom of two. Wife of a cute Naval Aviator. Lover of wine. When I'm not chasing my two kids around town you will find me writing, taking too many photos, and researching the ten future areas the Navy could potentially (but probably won't) PCS us. We are fish out of water, landlocked at 7,000 feet. For now.

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